Transform your referrer's experience, deliver critical results and request second opinions


Foxo enables real-time, clinical workflow driven communication connecting your business with your referring doctors. 

What does Foxo enable?

Case Management

Sending Cases to clinical Teams for second opinions or clinical discussion.

Clinical Governance

Audit logs and read-receipts provide a verifiable history of all clinical interactions.

Critical Results Notification

Outbound email and SMS notification links for secure communication of critical results

File Sharing

Share files seamlessly via our drag & drop interface between external departments.

Image Sharing

Sharing of pathology images with zoom capacity for picture quality.

Outbound Link to Live Chat

Secure live chat link for referrers and external network into your organisation.

Critical Results Notification

Foxo enables effective critical results communication with timely notification workflows based on the degree of urgency. Foxo provides the ability to outbound a link via SMS or email for a critical result to internal or external clinicians for immediate action. 

Discuss Patient Results with a Doctor

Foxo bridges the communication gap between Pathologists and GP/Specialist enabling an effective and timely workflow to discuss patient results with the doctor. Foxo provides a URL point for external clinicians with a path to a Pathology Team and vice versa to securely ingest reports or other files from other providers in the context of a patient. 

Second Opinions

Foxo enables secure communication to engage specialist Teams for second opinions or interesting Cases with the ability to share pathology images in real-time including zoom in capacity for picture quality.

Clinical Image Sharing

Real-time sharing of pathology images with zoom capacity for picture quality. Images are stored on the cloud, not on the device.

Secure Communication

Single and group chat in a secure, encrypted environment compliant with Australian privacy principles allows messaging and sharing between external departments. 

Secure Voice & Video Calls

Escalate to a voice or a video call to discuss (critical) results and request information with internal and external clinicians.


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Pathology Report

Initiate a live chat thread into a pathology company directly from a pathology report.

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